10 brilliant ways of turning cellulite into silky smooth skin

Nobody likes cellulite. Not just because it doesn’t look nice. Sometimes it’s even painful. Cellulite causes blocked lymphatic flow and gives an impression of swollen body. It doesn’t aid in slimming because it persistently stores large amounts of fat in the connective tissue. It also gathers excess of water so you feel swollen and simply unwell. Luckily there are plenty of ways to get rid of cellulite. You can use most of them at home, did you know that? Run through top 10 anti-cellulite remedies!

How to fight cellulite using home treatments?

1. Anti-cellulite supplements

They don’t require much effort on your part. All you do is remember to take pills on time. Are supplements effective? In combination with a healthy diet, physical activity and other treatments (e.g. massage), they surely help get rid of cellulite.

2. Anti-cellulite creams

We can’t imagine fighting cellulite without them. Products you rub into the skin must be rich in the best ingredients. Regularly applied, they largely reduce the symptoms of cellulite. Creams firm up and smooth out the skin, stimulate microcirculation and help break down fats.

3. Anti-cellulite body wrapping

This body treatment used to be available only in beauty salons. Nowadays, there are body wrapping products you can buy and use at home. It’s one of the most effective ways of fighting cellulite.

4. Guam kills cellulite!

Guam is a type of marine algae used for the production of the top-quality body and face care products.

It is very useful when fighting obesity and cellulite, nourishes skin and increases blood flow. By applying algae-rich products, you slim down the body and reduce cellulite, and – what’s most important – you prevent fat from building up.

5. DIY anti-cellulite masks

There’s no product like DIY treatment! You are the one who controls the entire production process. What homemade ingredients are the enemies of cellulite? To fight orange peel, make use of ground coffee, cinnamon, a touch of ginger and fresh grapefruit juice – a game-changing cocktail that fights cellulite. Mix the ingredients with thick moisturizer and apply this mask to cellulite-affected areas, wrap foil around them and cover with a blanket so that the warmth can intensify the effect. Play a TV show and rinse the mask after 30-40 minutes.

6. Essential oils

Inconspicuous and closed in small bottles, oils act like a strong anti-cellulite concentrate. Plenty of anti-cellulite products are based on grapefruit, cinnamon or ginger essential oils but you can also intensify the effect of creams – add 10 drops of the oils to your bath water. If your cream doesn’t feature oils, buy essential oil and mix it with a portion of the cream before applying it to your body.

7. DIY anti-cellulite scrub

It has been a brilliant anti-cellulite weapon for years! Homemade scrub stimulates blood flow and detoxifies the body areas that are affected by the orange peel. To make your exfoliator, use shower gel, ground coffee, salt and cinnamon. Mix the components and massage your body using circular, slow motions. This is at the same time an anti-cellulite massage – the most important element of your anti-orange peel therapy.

8. Anti-cellulite exercises

Physical activity matters a lot when you fight for smooth skin. It’s never changed: you don’t exercise, you don’t get rid of cellulite. Obviously you don’t need to do breakneck exercises. Even energetic walking can help you fight orange peel. Remember that exercising is one of the best remedies for cellulite. Never give up on that!

9. Contrast showers

It’s a well-known, effective way of reducing cellulite. Contrast showers clear body of toxins and stimulate microcirculation, plus it’s a great motivator after waking up – works better than a cup of coffee!

First, use warm water and slowly increase the temperature so the water is hot. Switch to lower temperature and then go back to warm water. Finish with cold water. Repeat contrast showers and you will rapidly see a positive change in your skin.

10. Anti-cellulite bath

An amazing remedy for cellulite. Body-firming baths fight orange peel if you enrich water with suitable salt e.g. Dead Sea salt or a special blend enriched with essential oils.

Note: temperature of water in your tub should be 37 celsius degrees tops.