Is sweat block worth your money? My opinion

Sweat block offers you a solution to deal with excessive perspiration. Of course, sweating is essential to maintain and regulate body temperature as well as balance skin’s pH that is bacteriostatic. If sweating is too intensive, this means that you deal with hyperactive sebaceous glands which secrete more sweat than it’s necessary. This condition leads to hyperhidros, which is excessive sweating. People affected by this ailment produce even five times more sweat than those whose sweat glands work normally.

Sweat block is able to solve this problem because it contains a really high concentration of aluminium chloride that blocks the ducts connected to sweat pore. This feature of sweat block makes is unrivaled when compared to the effects delivered by regular antiperspirants. On the other hand, long-term use of such products may cause inflammation of sebaceous glands pores. Having this in mind, is it a good idea to use sweat block? How does it really work? How to use it? What are its drawbacks? Here’s what I need to tell you.

How does sweat block work?

Most common antiperspirants contain aluminium chloride that reacts with chemical constituents of sweat and creates amorphous gel; it’s able to close the sweat ducts located in lower skin layers. If you want to hold excessive perspiration back, you need antiperspirants that contain higher concentration of aluminium chloride than regular antiperspirants do. One of such products is the sweat block. 

Sweat block works alike regular antiperspirant which means that when in contact with water it creates a layer of amorphous gel and in this way blocks the pores of sweat glands and – obviously – blocks sweat release. A plug (made of polymer hydroxide gel) is created in the sweat duct. The plug is the result of slow neutralization of acidic aluminum salt by less acidic sweat. What’s interesting, the plug created by sweat block is located deeper in skin than the plug created by a regular antiperspirant. For that reason, the effects delivered by sweat block last longer.

How to use sweat block?

Firstly, you should use sweat block at bedtime. You have to apply it to clean, dry and non-irritated skin once or twice a week. This will do because the effects produced by sweat block last a few days.

I have to warn you now. If you use sweat block too often, so when you increase the frequency to more than twice a week, you may clog the sweat ducts. As a consequence, this may lead to inflammations. And this is the very reason why you must follow the directions for use given on the packaging.

Drawbacks of using sweat block?

As you know it now, sweat block limits sweat secretion, which means that it also slows down the process of toxin removal from our bodies. As a consequence, instead of sweating off all harmful substances – our body gathers them in lymph nodes located in armpits. The bacteria multiplication, which are normally killed by sweat and its pH, may lead to skin irritation. Moreover, long-term use of sweat block may disturb your electrolyte balance and, of course, lead to allergic reactions such as skin redness.

Have you ever used sweat block? If so, were you satisfied with the effects? I’m waiting for your comments!