recommended face serum with retinol Nanoil

My best acne treatment: Nanoil Retinol Face Serum

I’m coming to you with great news! I managed to combat acne! What does it mean to you? This means that in a moment I’ll reveal the secret of clear skin!

I’ve tested many cosmetics and underwent many treatments that were supposed to free my face from acne and breakouts. Sadly, none of them was good enough, at least not as good as Nanoil Retinol Face Serum. If it wasn’t for this product, my face wouldn’t be so smooth and even-toned as it is now. So, if you’re struggling with the same skin concern, read on.

Briefly on retinol

From what I’ve learned, retinol has been – and still is – exposed to various clinical tests. It was in the 1980s when an American dermatologist firstly published the results of his research proving the high effectiveness of a retinol treatment in removing acne. From that moment other dermatologists have been publishing their papers confirming how amazing retinol is for skin. The funny thing is that I learnt about retinol from my dermatologist. I’m glad that I’ve been using this substance on a regular basis because it freed my skin from breakouts.

My best acne treatment – retinol

Even though it’s a long some time since I’m not a teenager anymore, acne didn’t want to vanish from my face. While searching for some miraculous treatment for acne, I came across retinol whose primal task is to deal with those nasty pimples. It soothes skin and helps it look clear by normalizing the work of oily glands, removing dead cells and unclogging pores. Another key issue is that retinol is also able to erase various types of hyper-pigmentation, no matter if caused by hormones, acne or the sunlight. Thanks to retinol, skin becomes even-toned and smooth. The good news is that those of you who suffer from rosacea can make use of retinol too (but better ask your dermatologist first). Today I can say that retinol freed me from the skin imperfections that were affecting my appearance for many long years of my adult life.

My best acne treatment – Nanoil retinol face serum

I reach for retinol face serum three times a week, but at the beginning of the treatment I used it once a week. The first effects were pretty quick, and this encouraged me to carry on the treatment. Later, after a month or so, I was able to see a huge difference in the way my skin looked. But coming back to the application, it’s important to spread the serum evenly all over the face and neck, instead of using it topically. This is how you can prevent other blemishes from appearing on your face. I apply the serum only at bedtime, putting it on the cleansed face. There are two reasons why I use it before going to sleep. Firstly, at night skin focuses on repairing itself, so this is the perfect moment to supply it with the nutrients it may need. Secondly, there is no sunlight at night, and retinol doesn’t like the Sun, so to say.

Obviously, Nanoil serum isn’t just a single-ingredient product, which means that there are other constituents in the formula that we can analyze. One of them is Boerhavia Diffusa root extract whose main task is to deal with inflammation. It also leaves skin brighter and protects it from the adverse effect of free radicals.

Last but not least, Nanoil Retinol Face Serum is recommended for all skin types, including sensitive and mature. I guess I don’t have to mention acne-prone skin, right? I’m the living example of that.

Other benefits of using Nanoil Retinol Face Serum 

Apart from erasing acne and getting smoother skin’s texture, I’ve also noticed other improvements that retinol treatment gave me. Most of all, my skin restored its moisture and radiance. Another good thing is that retinol treatment delays ageing, which is amazing. Wrinkles are less visible and skin gets less flabby!

To sum up, I’d like to say it again – Nanoil Retinol Face Serum is my way to get rid of acne. If you don’t have this product yet, you can get it from

Don’t hesitate to leave a comment! Tell me if you have been using some retinol treatments, and if so, tell me if you’re satisfied with the results.

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