Apple vinegar in hair care? Yes, this is my fave scalp conditioner!

For hair that is oily. For hair that doesn’t want to grow long. For damaged hair and fatigued scalp that needs soothing. All of these problems are solved thanks to APPLE VINEGAR SCALP CONDITIONER! <3

This is my home, proven ‘cosmetic’ to use on hair. Every time when I notice that there is something wrong going with my hair, it miraculously appears in my bathroom and aids me in my daily struggle for beautiful and healthy hair.

Why do I like apple vinegar and why do I consider it as a cosmetic?

There are two reasons why I like using apple vinegar as a hair care product: it’s cheap and easy-accessible. Ah, and there is one more thing – it’s really effective.

Actually, I could solve each one of my hair related problems (dandruff, oily roots, irritated scalp) with a separate store-bought cosmetic that in most cases is advertised to have super advanced formula. Okay, I could do that but this would occupy more of my precious time and it would turn out to be definitely more expensive.

But here, in apple vinegar, I have closed dozens of other hair care products’ properties – without preservatives, parabens and other stuff that might negatively influence my hair.

What does apple vinegar contain?

Now a few words explaining why apple vinegar is a remedy for damaged, weak, matte and rough hair.

First and foremost, the composition of apple vinegar is free from synthetic additives. Instead, we will find plenty of amino acids, acids (e.g. coumaric acid caffeic acid), pectin and polyphenols. I know, this sounds like a foreign language or something. However, the only thing that I wanted to tell you is that the compounds I listed make apple vinegar all-natural and a highly effective hair care product.

What are the benefits of apple vinegar?

It’s worth using apple vinegar in hair care because it:

  • soothes inflammation and itchiness
  • is antibacterial
  • cleanses scalp
  • reduces oily roots problem
  • helps fight back dandruff
  • improves hair growth
  • prevents hair loss
  • smooths hair out and leaves it shiny
  • balances scalp’s pH

Recipe for apple vinegar scalp conditioner

Now it’s time for the main hero of this post – a scalp conditioner made of apple vinegar. Do you have just to rinse the hair with apple vinegar and that’s it? Sadly, it isn’t that easy.

A good apple vinegar scalp conditioner is a mixture of pure vinegar and water – 2 spoons of vinegar and 1 cup of water. It isn’t a good idea to use vinegar in its pure form because it may dehydrate your hair! Okay, once you combine both ingredients, pour the conditioner into a bottle with atomizer and use after washing your hair.

This is how you should use apple vinegar scalp conditioner:

  1. Wash the hair with a shampoo as you do this normally.
  2. Use a towel to remove the excess water – do it really gently.
  3. Spritz the hair with the conditioner.
  4. Give your scalp a massage, rub the product.
  5. Wait a while and rinse the hair.
  6. Dry the hair as you do this normally.

Summary. Who I recommend using this scalp conditioner to?

Apple vinegar scalp conditioner isn’t destined for everyone, and this has to be stated clearly. If your hair is dehydrated and damaged then you have to be careful with this homemade hair care product because it may make these problems more serious.

Those of you who are easily irritated by aromas shouldn’t use this scalp conditioner either. The smell of vinegar is intensive. However, and I must point this out, it fades pretty fast which means that you smell this aroma only during application.

And apart from those two groups of people I think that everyone should try apple vinegar scalp conditioner out!