Beauty hacks: Substances and ingredients that I will never run out of

Today I’m going to tell you about amazing substances that became the last year’s wonders. To me, they are the evergreen BADASSES in skin care. I hope that you too will have the opportunity to benefit from their beautifying properties. Let me present you a fairly shot but condensed list of awesome substances that create stunning effects – they do you nothing but good and ridiculously improve the state of your skin. Actually, this beautifying influence also affects hair and nails. Okay, there’s no need to keep you in the dark any longer. Read on.

The finest ingredients that beauty product can have

Actually I shouldn’t call these substances the ‘ingredients’ because even when used solo, they make perfect beauty products. What I want to say is that they don’t have to be combined with other products since the effects they create alone are already highly satisfying.


Natural oils are something that everyone should already know. However, for the ‘uninitiated’ I’ll just explain briefly that by saying ‘natural oils’ I don’t have in mind the oils that are commonly used in cooking – this means that I talk about the unrefined and cold-pressed bio oils. After all, only this type of extraction – which is cold pressing – allows the oils to preserve all their precious vitamins, good fatty acids, phytosterols and flavondies. What amazes me most about natural oils is that they can be used to treat hair, eyebrows, face, nails, skin, eyelashes, they can be mixed with store-bought beauty products… I guess there is no product that can’t be mixed with natural oil. “What are the benefits of using natural oils?”, you would ask. Well, natural oils rejuvenate, smooth out, restore, deal with irritations, erase cellulite and stretch marks. To say even more, it is due to natural oils that impossible becomes possible. How so? They are perfectly suitable to be used in all known beauty treatments (natural oils boost the power of the treatments thanks to the antioxidants and vitamins).


Long-known and used in many beauty treatments, yet it wasn’t sooner than last year when vitamin C gained in popularity. What’s the reason for this? Scientists finally developed the stable form of vitamin C, which is 3-0-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid that is the most recent, the best derivative of L-ascorbic acid used in cosmetics. A face serum containing this innovative vitamin C is the hottest beauty trend that offers you tremendous benefits in beauty care. Honestly, I almost cried (tears of joy, of course) when I saw that my face skin was improving after being treated with vitamin C. Therefore, please take my advice and start treating your face with a serum containing this new form of vitamin C.


My beloved clay is the white one, it’s really gentle, recommended to sensitive and couperose skin. Did you know that clays come into existence as the result of rock erosion? Clays are full of minerals and other highly valuable micro elements, are all-natural and are the godsend for skin. Those of you who have oily or acne skin should introduce green clay into their daily beauty rituals. Green clay appears to be one of the best remedies for acne that you can make use of. When combined with natural argan oil, they combat various skin imperfections. Is your face blemished with post-acne marks? Add a few drops of lemon juice to your green clay face mask and apply it every day at bedtime. All the ugly marks that the acne left will gradually go away! Moreover, there is yet another application of cosmetic clay to mention – you can add them to your bath (bathing I mean). I also happen to use white clay instead of regular face gel. The effects are incredible, trust me!


Well, this is a substance that I’ve been using for ages. I like it when it’s added to body balms and hand creams. But mostly I like it when I can use the pure lanolin (sold in a tube); I carry it in my bag and use it instead of face balms, hand cream, dry elbows, nail conditioner etc. As you can see, lanolin is truly versatile. Just a really small portion suffices to protect your hands against dehydration. Distribute pepper-grain-size of lanoline to rub it into your hair ends to deliver hydration and protection. Long live the lanolin!

This is how my MARVELOUS 4 looks like. Do you have your own evergreen substances that you use in skin and hair care? Comment below with your examples.