Effective hair care? My ways of having thick hair that doesn’t fall out

Hey 🙂

What at first glance seems to be pretty simple often causes us whole lot of problems. Hair care. Are you sure that you know how to take care of hair correctly? Do you know what should be done to prevent hair loss and stop it from losing volume? How to add shine to hair and what hair styling technique to choose to prevent damage?

Today I’m going to devote my post to the issue of conscious hair care. I’ll reveal a few tips on enjoying full of shine and voluminous hair. Owing to these tips, I rarely have this classic Bad Hair Day that many of you complain about.

Hair care. Keep this in mind!

Let me begin by reminding you that the most effective way of helping the strands remain healthy is by implementing a comprehensive hair care routine. In practice this more or less means that you have to take care of the hair not only superficially (with a conditioner, serum, natural oil) but from the inside (food, vitamins, cosmetics penetrating deeply) as well.

If you want to have beautiful and thick hair, you must remember about a few effective hair care rules:

  • less is more: too much of cosmetics doesn’t serve hair well
  • frequent dyeing, bleaching and hot styling cause damage to hair
  • sun, anti-pollution and heat protection is a must
  • natural hair care is better, especially if you use beauty oils
  • it’s wiser to deliver comprehensive care to strands: moisturize, nourish and regenerate
  • it all starts in your head, and taking a good care of your scalp is the core of stunning hair!

Wise hair care step by step

  1. HAIR WASHING – hair care begins the moment you reach for a shampoo, therefore it’s better if you choose the one that is free from SLS, SLES and other potentially hazardous substances. Let me also remind you that you should wash your hair gently – try not to knead it or tangle.
  2. HAIR BLOW-DRYING – the rule is simple here: if you only can, let your hair dry naturally. Exposing the locks to a hot air stream produced by a blow dryer is pretty harmful and can encourage both frizz and static. However, if you really need to speed up the drying time, set the hair styling tool temperature to medium.
  3. HAIR CARE – I can elaborate on how to take good care of hair, and this would take me hours. However, I’ll try to be brief now. Let me just refer you to a few paragraphs below where I’m going to give you all the details.
  4. HAIR STYLING – to me, the unbeatable hair styling technique is styling them at night – it’s far safer and at the same time as effective as heat styling. Basically you achieve the same results: volume and shape. What’s overnight hair styling? It’s simple: all you need are the rollers or cotton pieces of cloth that you wrap with damp hair and… go to sleep. In the morning, you get beautifully curled hair.

My proven tips on nourishing the hair

I know that each one of us has their tested and tried techniques that help your hair remain healthy, beautiful and prevent it from falling out excessively. All I can do is reveal my tricks, but each one of you must work out your own personalized hair care schedule. Only customized hair care routine is 100% effective.

Space in my vanity bag is mostly taken up by natural beauty oils that offer us multitude applications. For example, I spread them on hair before washing, prior to blow drying (to deliver heat protection) and to hair ends. I also try to carry out hair oil treatment regularly because I know that oils supply hair with precious lipids, vitamins and minerals.

Naturally, I also have some conditioners and masks that I apply from time to time. What connects all the hair care products I use is the fact that these are natural cosmetics because my hair (as the hair of most of you) reacts badly to the formulas containing many synthetic substances.

How to take care of scalp?

Don’t neglect the importance of scalp. After all this is the very place where your hair grows out from, therefore it’s important to make sure that the hair has a “fertile soil.” The good news is that you don’t have to know how to take care of scalp professionally – instead, you should also turn to natural oils. Then you will understand that no expensive treatments are needed to enjoy stunning locks.

My way of improving scalp in a professional way is by carrying out scalp oil treatment, which means that I regularly massage an oil blend into the skin of my head (I love castor and almond oil blend). I try to perform this home hair treatment before each hair washing. Thanks to this my scalp is never dehydrated, has no dandruff, it’s not itchy. What I get instead is thicker and voluminous hair.

Is hair styling damaging?

Finally, a few words on hair styling since this is the factor that causes the most serious damage to hair – providing that we style the hair incorrectly.

Surely, it’s worth taking a closer look at how we style our hair. In my view, styling dry hair is better because we don’t expose the strands to rapid moisture loss. Moreover, wet hair is more damage-prone, which makes dry hair styling a better solution.

However, if you don’t want to wait until hair dries naturally, I recommend you trying overnight hair styling. This is an umbrella term including all eco methods of hair curling, e.g. due to rollers, braid or an elastic headband. I totally recommend this method!

Let me know if there is something more that you would like to know about conscious hair care practices 🙂