How to help natural cosmetics stay fresh longer?

It’s completely normal that we take care of or face skin, body and hair – everybody does that. But do you know that the cosmetics, which we use, also require special attention from us? Without doubt, special care should be given to natural beauty products in particular. How to make natural cosmetics preserve their properties for long? How to store natural cosmetics? And finally, how to buy natural cosmetics?

Why opening cosmetics in a shop is a bad idea?

There is a very simple explanation justifying why unscrewing beauty products in a drugstore is a bad idea. Once you open it, you allow bacteria to come in and affect the cosmetic – its properties and consistency – in a negative way. More worryingly, a cosmetic that has been opened may contain some impurities that are later transported to face and contribute to causing skin irritation, acne and other skin ailments.

How to buy mineral cosmetics?

  1. Some natural oils should be stored in low temperatures.
  2. If you buy a preservative-free herbal distillate, you should also get an additional product that will extend the lifespan of it.
  3. Don’t buy beauty products that stand in the front row or are placed below lamps.
  4. Always check the expiry date.
  5. Don’t buy too many packages of the same natural product.
  6. If you buy cosmetic products at a bargain, check whether the reduced price isn’t the consequence of upcoming expiry date.
  7. Choose packages that feature a dropper, atomizer or nozzle.

How to take care of natural cosmetics at home?

  1. Keep natural cosmetics away from the sources of light, heat and moisture. Don’t store them in a bathroom or a dressing table – such places expose the natural cosmetics to external factors that always lower the products quality and effectiveness.
  2. Oils, herbal distillates, natural skin toners and oil-based serums should be kept in a fridge – especially if the very products are preservative-free.
  3. Always wash your hands before applying natural beauty products.
  4. When you finish using a particular beauty product, make sure that the package is always tightly closed. In this way you will prevent the bacteria from spoiling the product and causing irritation to your skin.
  5. Before opening a beauty product for the first time, always read the directions for use and storage.
  6. Keep your brushes, sponges and other makeup accessories clean.

Throw away old beauty products!

Application of beauty products that are past their expiration date is really hazardous to your body and health in general. Such cosmetics will give you acne, irritation and in some extreme cases even serious skin diseases that require medical attention. This is why, from time to time you should check the expiry date of the products you use and, when necessary, replace them with fresh ones. What should be also realized, natural beauty products stored in adverse conditions spoil faster than the indicated expiry date.