Is there a correct way of using fragrances? I’m revealing the secret of perfumes’ longevity

To me – and probably for many of you too – perfumes are the complement of your style. What should we do to make the aroma embracing us remain longer and be more intensive? Here is my way to extend the longevity of perfumes. Actually, there are a few ways to achieve this 🙂

Some believe that the secret of long-wearing perfumes depends on choosing a high quality fragrances, i.e. the expensive ones launched by well-known brands like Chanel, Armani, Dior. In my opinion, this is gibberish because you don’t have to get yourself costly perfumes to enjoy intensive aroma for longer. Besides, even the most pricey essences won’t last long if applied in a wrong way. Therefore, I believe that the true secret of long-wearing perfumes is their proper application. In this post I’m going to reveal how to use perfumes correctly and present you some perfume-related issues that are worth understanding. Naturally, I’ll also say a few words about the common mistakes concerning use of perfumes so you can avoid them consciously.

The best place to store fragrance

When it comes to perfumes, actually, everything matters – even the place you store the perfumes in. The more we pay attention to the spot to store perfumes, the bigger the possibility gets that the very perfumes won’t expire fast.

Here are some simple rules of storing perfumes that are worth bearing in mind:

  • perfumes must be stored in a dry place
  • phials should be protected from the sun by placing them somewhere in a dark place
  • fragrances don’t like warmth so it’s better to keep them in a cool place

And this is when the first mistake is made, which obviously affects the longevity of perfumes – we often keep fragrances in the bathroom, don’t we? We keep it in a place that is warm and where humidity is high. If it’s not the bathroom, we keep the perfumes on a dressing table, which is located in a sunny spot – again, bad!

Why is it so important to get the perfumes the right place to stay day and night? It must be realized that the improper fragrance storage results in the essential oils losing their properties, but that’s not all. Other nasty things to mention: the fragrance gradually becomes less intensive, the color changes and in extreme cases, you can see that the substances get separated. It goes without saying that all of these factors negatively influence the quality of perfumes which in a consequence makes the aroma fade away faster.

Correct application of perfumes

“When? How? What body parts?” – these are three basic questions that are frequently asked by anyone who takes a phial of perfumes to their hands for the first time and wonders how to apply it to enjoy the most of it.

Without doubt, it’s a good thing to know a little bit more about this because the way you apply perfumes in has a direct influence on their longevity, and the influence is big. Minding a few simple rules isn’t that hard therefore it’s a good thing to learn them by heart and follow them consciously. Thanks to this, you will enjoy long-wearing aroma.

1. What’s the best time to apply perfumes?

Best to do it right after leaving a warm bath or shower, when you towel-dry the body and put on some clothes. This is when the skin is still moist so it’s easier for fragrance molecules to penetrate it deeper.

2. What body parts should you apply perfumes to?

Fragrance remains longer on the moist areas, thus spritzing dry skin with perfumes doesn’t make much sense. Where you should apply the perfumes instead are neck, inner elbows, behind ears and cleavage.

3. How to use perfumes?

Experts say that you should walk through a thin mist of perfumes released into the air. Also, you can apply fragrance directly to skin but keep the phial close to your body and don’t rub the spritzed area afterwards.

Making your skin ready for perfumes

I can’t skip emphasizing how important it is to make the skin ready for receiving perfumes. This is another secret of helping fragrances linger on your skin for longer that many people either aren’t aware of or simply ignore, which is a pity because perfumes behave differently when applied either to dry or moisturized skin.

It’s definitely worth remembering that fat is a perfect fragrance carrier. If skin is dry, deprived of water and lacks lipid coat, the perfumes will evaporate pretty quickly. You can be sure that you will smell the aroma longer when you apply the fragrance to deeply moisturized and neat skin, or when you lubricate the skin prior to applying perfumes. Here are three ways that will help your fragrances last longer.

SOLUTION 1. Right before applying perfumes, use a cream or body balm – of course, it must be completely fragrance-free to prevent the aromas from mixing.

SOLUTION 2. Rub a tiny amount of argan, jojoba, almond oil and treat is as a setting base for the perfumes.

SOLUTION 3. Use Vaseline as a fragrance carrier by rubbing it into a chosen body part and then follow with perfumes.


In my opinion, the correct way of using perfumes isn’t that difficult at all, providing that you keep a few crucial issues in your mind – like for example the best time to use perfumes or what body parts should you choose to apply perfumes. Once we figure out how to apply perfumes in the right way, you will be finally free to go crazy with the fragrances because you will finally know how to get 100% of them! Actually, this is the perfect time to play with so-called perfume layering or layering scents, which I a technique that depends on using various essences to create customized aromas.