L’Oréal Sugars Scrubs: My review of the newest face scrubs

Today I’m going to devote this post entirely to skin exfoliation.

I’m a fan of scrubs because thanks to them my skin is smooth, soft and truly beautiful. Do I have my fave one? The best scrubs are the ones made at home, from the ingredients that you have close at hand, e.g. oils, sugar, sea salt.

The thing is that we don’t always feel like making home cosmetics. Sometimes we lack time, other times we lack will. For that very reason I have a few store-bought scrubs that I appreciate for the effects and formula. Have the scrubs by L’Oréal Sugar Scrubs got into the list of my favorite?

New face scrubs by L’Oréal

Sugar Scrubs by L’Oréal are – as the name speaks for itself – natural sugar scrubs that help you achieve perfectly smooth skin in a really simple and effective way. They have a incredibly velvety, delicate consistency and… natural sugar granules.

Skin care in #sugarscrubs rhythm

Who is expected to enjoy the effects produced by new face scrubs by L’Oréal Sugar Scrubs? Everyone! I’m not kidding – this is a series of face scrubs that suits all skin types. They are perfect for those who have oily, dry, normal and combination skin. I myself have sensitive skin that is prone to reddens and irritations but L’Oréal works just fine for me – all of them, without any exceptions, and there are three of the face scrubs to choose from. Let me tell you a few things about them.

What are the Sugar Scrubs to try out?

1. Purify & Unclog Kiwi Scrub

This face scrub entranced me with its look – it totally looks as if it was mashed kiwi. This is a face scrub having a really vivid green color with black seeds of natural kiwi. When I’m looking at it, I’d really like to eat it!

Cleansing Sugar Scrubs own their action to three types of sugar, whereas the role of exfoliating agents is played by kiwi seeds. Thanks to this combination the product cleanses skin perfectly, reduces blackheads and leaves skin velvety smooth. Apart from the ingredients I’ve just mentioned, Purify & Unclog Kiwi Scrub also contains mint essential oil that is responsible for reducing imperfections and displays soothing properties as well as lemon tree essential oil that helps in cleansing.

2. Smooth & Glow Grapeseed Scrub

Another version doesn’t make such impression because it doesn’t have this fruity look, yet it resembles amber, which is also cool! This golden-and-brown creamy consistency is easy to spread over face, which really makes you willing to use this product often.

The formula hides nothing but marvels. Smooth & Glow face scrub also includes sugar granules that leave skin perfectly clean. This time, however, they are combined with two oils responsible for taking a good care of skin: grape seed oil and monoi oil. The former oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E that rejuvenates and lightens skin up. The latter prevents dull skin and delivers moisture. Instead of these extra kiwi seeds, Smooth & Glow Grapeseed Scrub contains acai powder that is responsible for smoothing skin out in a gentle way.

3. Nourish & Soften Cocoa Scrub

The third version of Sugar Scrub is a nourishing exfoliating butter that resembles a delicious cocoa pudding. I have to say it again, I’m totally entranced with these tasty-looking face scrubs and I wish I could eat each one of them with a spoon.

This nourishing Sugar Scrub – alike the above-mentioned ones – is a combination of three types of sugar. This is pretty characteristic for this series. What’s really interesting, is what it offers apart from the sugars. And this is natural cocoa butter and coconut oil, which is a rich source of essential fatty acids and lipids that are crucial for skin to help it to keep adequate moisture levels. Owing to both of them, this nourishing Sugar Scrub is able to (apart from nourishing of course) deliver moisture, soften skin and reduce this feeling of tight skin. The exfoliating effect is ensured due to natural cocoa seeds that smooth skin out by removing dead skin cells.

Sugar Scrubs – Not only for face!

L’Oréal Sugar Scrubs are natural and owing to the fine abrasive grains they suit even the most delicate face skin. But did you know that face isn’t the only body part that you can apply Sugar Scrubs to? I’ve learnt this recently.

I ran out of lip scrub. I didn’t have honey either to mix it with sugar and apply to lips. So I reached for… nourishing L’Oréal Sugar Scrubs. I was truly amazed. Just a few moments of massaging my lips with this scrub were enough to make them incredibly smooth, nourished and moisturized. Also, my lips got really seductive!