My fave bath products that I want to recommend to you

I love taking a bath being surrounded with candles and relaxing music. However, my bath sessions wouldn’t be complete if it wasn’t for my favorite products: oils, herbs and some food products. How do they affect body? How to take care of skin after leaving a bathtub?

The best bath products

When choosing bath products, we are lead by their aroma and color. However, the things that we should pay attention to are the properties of the very cosmetics. Bath products can moisturize, nourish, soothe, relax and regenerate skin. We can pick and choose the consistency too. In the case of bathing in particular, regular products such as bubble baths, bath bombs and herbal extracts should serve their purpose well. Another really good idea for improving skin while bathing is using Dead Sea salt or Epsom salt. What’s also important, always try to match the bath products with your skin type and its needs. Take essential oils for example, they aren’t recommended if your skin is sensitive, allergy-prone or affected by atopic dermatitis.

The best natural oils to use for bathing

There are plenty of natural oils that can be used to enrich your bathing. Below you will find a list of the common ones together with the effects they create.

  • fennel oil to combat cellulite
  • rose oil delays skin ageing processes, prevents capillaries from breaking and fights back stretch marks
  • orange oil deals with wrinkles and improves skin suppleness
  • nerol oil replenishes skin with water and prevents broken capillaries
  • peppermint oil erases fatigue
  • lavender oil deals with insomnia
  • tea tree oil helps fight back acne
  • lemon oil is a remedy for varicose veins and rheumatism

Herbs to use for bathing

Herbal baths significantly improve skin. The main benefits to mention are that herbal baths reinforce blood vessels, relax muscles, soothe irritations, smooth skin out, improve blood flow and even out skin tone. Obviously, you can use herbal mixtures instead of just one type of herb. If I were to recommend you some herbs in particular, I’d go for: chamomile, lavender, lime and garden marigold. If you have some spare time, brew one herb or a few herbs and add to bathwater.

Taking a bath

Of course, you don’t have to use store-bought products for bathing. You can go for food products that you already have at home. Thanks to them you can prepare baths of various properties and benefits.

  • Use a cup of semi-fat milk and two spoons of olive oil to prepare bath that will soften your skin and smooth it out.
  • Use warm milk and yeast to cleanse skin.
  • Use a special cloth bag and fill it with wheat flour to combat acne.
  • Use a half cup of honey and two liters of butter milk to deliver nourishment to your skin.
  • Use a special cloth bag and fill it with 4.5 lbs of oat flakes to combat seborrhea.

How to take care of skin after bathing?

Once cleansed, your skin needs to be treated gently. For example, don’t rush while toweling the body dry. Otherwise, you can cause irritations. Once the skin is dry, use a body balm, body oil, natural oil, cream or cosmetic butter. This is also a perfect time to give your body a massage.

How does your bathing routine look like? Do you have favorite bath products?