No more excuses! Start taking care of yourself!

Sometimes we don’t really feel like doing anything, sure. But you mustn’t repeat over and over again phrases like “I’ll do it tomorrow”, “I don’t want to do it now” or “I don’t have time for that”. Do these excuses sound familiar to you? I know they do, therefore today I’ll do my best to show you and prove you that you can say goodbye to most of such lame excuses – and this will be totally painless! After all, taking a good care of yourself should be a priority.

I DON’T HAVE TIME. Yeah, right… Statistically, this is the most common excuse and reportedly the most effective one. But you know what? Just 10 minutes devoted to yourself (personal care) is all you need to see a huge difference in a really short period of time. If you remain faithful to this principle, you will notice that your skin and hair gradually improves. Moreover, thanks to using matching personal care products, you can cut down on time devoted to daily care practices and achieve the positive effects sooner. To sum up, try to arrange your time to devote a few minutes a day to beautifying treatments.

IT COSTS TOO MUCH. Wanna bet? You don’t have to work out at the gym or buy top-shelf cosmetics to look good. You can exercise at home (even while cleaning up). When it comes to the expensive beauty products, you can either find their less costly alternatives or – what is even more enjoyable – make the cosmetics at home. Did you know that the ingredients that you already have in your fridge and cupboards can help you improve the appearance effectively? Just browse the net to find thousands of recipes for homemade face masks, toners and hair washes that base their action on the power of herbs.

HEALTHY FOOD IS EXPENSIVE. You must be kidding me! Nowadays, even healthy food costs little and finding the alternatives to modified food products is easier like never before. What’s more, you can use the windowsill to grow herbs, tomato and strawberries. If you have some relatives living in rural areas or a greengrocer located near you, then you definitely should take advantage of it. You should realize this once and for all that healthy cooking doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours standing at a cooker and then at the sink.

I CAN’T DO THIS. Don’t even utter such phrases. You don’t have to possess super advanced skills to take a good care of yourself. Just read the directions printed on packaging and immediately everything becomes simpler. However, if you feel like polishing your personal care habits, watch some YT tutorials, ask your friend/beautician for advice. And please, don’t say it any more that taking care of yourself is difficult or that you can’t do it the right way. Don’t give up at first failed attempt but keep trying and experimenting until you develop satisfying level of this new skill of yours.

I’M TOO OLD FOR THAT. So what? No matter the age your ID says you are! Don’t let it be the reason for you to give up on taking care of yourself. One can be taken for granted: we will get old and there is nothing we can do about it. What we can do instead is delay this process. Just please, don’t say ever again that it’s too late for doing something that you want to do deep in your heart.

What about some more excuses?

Sadly, many women neglect their personal care for a few more reasons. In most cases they are connected with the following:

  • hormonal disorders – you mustn’t ignore such disease but visit a physician immediately! On the other hand, having issues with hormones doesn’t excuse you from taking care of yourself. You can still apply makeup, visit a beautician and treat your body with homemade cosmetics.
  • looking after kids – indeed, this is an important and very demanding task but I’m sure that you – as a mom – would like to set a good example for your kids, right? Help them understand that pretty look and being in good health is as important as learning and playing. In this way you will show your kinds that once they respect themselves, it becomes easier to respect others.
  • I’m ugly anyway – this is the most miserable thing you can ever say about yourself. You are beautiful and don’t let others tell you any different than that! Trust me, there are no ugly women out there, but only some unkempt ones. Just remember this the next time you look at yourself in the mirror.
  • there’s nobody I can look beautiful for – and this is another sad thing that may come to your mind. There is always somebody you can look beautiful for! You are the very person. Trust me, once you take a good care of yourself, you will feel this instant mood boost. Once you are satisfied with the way your look, your spirit will be lifted.

Any more excuses to get rid of?