
Review: Lashcode, that is the best lash-conditioning mascara


Have you ever wondered how important is what we use to coat our eyelashes with?! Before reviewing the mascara, I’ll tell you a story…

The history of my lashes

Since I remember I always had long, thick and dark eyelashes. Actually, I didn’t even have to coat them with a mascara, but you know how it is – school began and the first makeup came along it. I used to buy some cheap tubes of mascara (I just wanted them to intensify the color of my natural lashes) and I kept applying them being completely unaware of how disastrous the consequences might be. Who on earth would read the list of ingredients of a mascara, especially when you’re a teenager?!

The months passed by as I kept torturing my lashes with full of synthetic substances cosmetics that – now I truly doubt – hadn’t any quality assurance certification. Of course, I had problems with removing them so I wasn’t gentle trying to wipe the coats off. Effect? From being strong and healthy, my lashes turned thin and brittle. Also, I could see them losing their intensive black color and, in general, I had less of them. To sum up, my lashes looked really bad.

I didn’t know that applying a mascara product made from poor quality ingredients and complete lack of any lash care whatsoever may take its toll…

How to regenerate damaged eyelashes?

If you went through a similar experience or if some other circumstances made your lashes sparse and thin – all is not lost! There are a few effective methods to revitalize, rebuild and beautify eyelashes. You can make use of:

  • a well-balanced and varied diet
  • replacing regular cosmetics with natural ones
  • makeup removal done with oils (e.g. castor oil)
  • applying an eyelash serum
  • choosing a mascara containing nourishing substances

The last two points are the most important. Thanks to my today’s post, you’re going to find the answer to one, very important question, that is…

What is the best mascara?

First things first, it must be realized that eyelashes are able to absorb various substances therefore it’s crucial to pay attention to what we use to coat the lashes with. By saying that, I want to give you the following advice: Choose mascara products consciously and always check the ingredients.

My private ranking is won by Lashcode, which is the best lash conditioning mascara <3

One of the biggest assets of this mascara is its velvety texture and the formula based on plant waxes combined with intensively black mineral pigment. Not only does the mascara boost the color of lashes and leave the lashes defined, but also it coats each lash and separates them. This effect is also possible to create thanks to a silicone brush that Lashcode comes with. Its size is just ideal, it has narrowed ends and has uneven bristle length – with such an elastic brush that adjusts its shape to the lashes you can be sure that your eyelashes are coated with the mascara perfectly.


Why do I claim that Lashcode is the best mascara? I could enumerate dozens of various reasons but let me focus on five that – to me – are the most important ones. Let me present you the biggest assets of Lashcode.

1 Lashcode coats lashes like no other mascara.

Most of you are mainly interested in the effects that Lashcode create, right? You want to know whether it curls, boosts volume or lengthens lashes. Well, Lashcode does all of that and more. To me, this is the best mascara that I’ve ever used – it defines my eyelashes dramatically.

  • Lengthens, adds body and precisely separates eyelashes.
  • Gifts lashes with maximal thickness and volume.
  • Curls even the most resistant lashes.
  • Defines even the shortest lashes growing in the corners of eyes.
  • Nourishes, moisturizes and regenerates.

2 Lashcode conditions eyelashes through the additional nutrients.

The very nourishing substances of Lashcode deserve to be given a separate paragraph. This is a mascara that does supply lashes with nourishing substances that are responsible for improving their state: nourishes, moisturizes, revitalizes, rebuilds, reinforces and prevents lash loss.

The mineral pigment and vegetable waxes themselves display nourishing properties, but apart from them, Lashcode mascara also contains: arginine, panthenol, baicalein (Baikal skullcap root extract), vitamin E and a duo made up of soy and wheat extracts.

3 Lashcode is long-wearing, although it’s not waterproof.

I think the fact that Lashcode is a truly long-wearing mascara deserves to be emphasized – the coats remain untouched even for 24 hours. It doesn’t flake off, smudge or clump lashes. Instead it keeps the lashes neat and clean. This is surprising especially when you realize that Lashcode is non-waterproof. Again, its wear is incredibly long.

4 Lashcode is easy to take off and doesn’t clump lashes.

Being non-waterproof is actually an asset because this facilitates Lashcode removal. Basically, you can do it using just warm water and one wipe of cotton pad. You don’t need to rub eyelashes vigorously, there is no clumping either. The coats are really easy to remove. Naturally, if you take off makeup in such a gently way, you minimize the risk of possible mechanical damage.

5 Lashcode has the best brush ever.

Last but not least, I’d like to say some positive things about the applicator. I’ve mentioned above that this is a silicone brush. To me, its shape is well-thought-out. It is somehow able to adjust its shape to fit my lashes – neither is it too big nor too small. I can see that this brush leaves my eyelashes nicely separated and the coats are applied even to the smallest lashes that no other mascara has ever managed to do.

Okay, this is the end of my admiration. I simply wholeheartedly recommend you Lashcode 🙂

Of course, if you need to learn more details about Lashcode mascara, analyze the ingredients, see the price or order a tube for yourself, go on: []