What do Parisians never do to their skin and hair?

Carelessness and artistic chaos, hair like you just get up – that is what dominates Parisian streets. Parisians have an unaffected casual style which at the same time looks very feminine and charming. How do they do that? You’ll be surprised to hear that it is all a result of strict dos and don’ts when it comes to hair and skin care that every Parisian stick to.

What do Parisians NEVER do to their skin and hair?

1. Parisians don’t dye their hair

In France, hair dye is acceptable only under two conditions – as a way to add a few natural highlights or to… cover grey hair. Apart from those two situations hair dye is never used because it causes damage and dryness to hair and never leaves natural effect. In other words, the hair dye is out of fashion.

2. Parisians don’t use a hairdryer

Towels, sun, wind – the mother nature is able to dry your hair better than any hairdryer. French women avoid hairdryer because they know very well how much it can damage the hair. Besides, it would ruin the artistic chaos effect and that is the hairstyle Parisians adore. In order to help hair, they use leave-in hair conditioner, floral water, and oils that can be sprayed on the hair. Natural oils are perfect for the task because those can protect the hair ends.

3. Parisians don’t go out with wet hair

Avoiding a hairdryer does not mean that you can walk around Paris with your hair wet – it is not something considered in a good taste. Hair should dry at home. In the summer, that is not a problem, but in the winter you can use curling pins or twist hair strands so that after you get up in the morning it would be slightly wavy and fresh.

4. Parisians do the hair oil treatment

Natural oils are the Indian women domain because for centuries hair oil treatment was one of the most important beauty treatments for hair in India. However, French women quickly take on the trend because they are aware that nothing else can care for hair equally well. Natural oils, all sorts of mixes and cosmetics matching hair porosity are the latest trend and one of the most adored treatments. If you have unrefined, cold-pressed oil at home (argan, sweet almond, macadamia), just rub it in damp hair and scalp and wash your hair with shampoo after an hour. Natural oil is also great as a facial serum.

5. Parisians never go out without perfume

Perfume is the best outfit for a woman. French women know it very well and that is why even when they have a wrinkled shirt, baggy jeans or oversized sweater, they still smell like a million dollars and spread the charming aura. They know that smell is a strong incentive that triggers the senses. They never leave the house without the perfume.

6. Parisians love seawater and rain

While the rest of Europe complains about humidity in the air during the summer, Parisians celebrate rainy days, Strom and humidity because it boosts their hair volume, makes hair wavy and ensures this casual carelessness. During the holidays they rest on the coast and enjoy baths in seawater. The weather is the best stylist!

7. Parisians never go to sleep with their make-up on

Assuming they wear it at all because there is also surprising discretion in the matter. The most popular is mascara and red lipstick. The rest of the cosmetics may very well seize to exist! If they do the make-up, they never go to sleep before removing it. They know it very well that it is the greatest beauty crime.