
TOP 5 ways to get beautiful hair. How to care for it?

Hello! 🙂

Today I’m going to tell you about my five great methods for beautiful, shiny hair. How can you add volume to your hair? Which cosmetic products beautify your hair? Find out everything in today’s post!

It is necessary to experiment a bit and test different cosmetic products to check which beauty products suit your hair type and work properly. Thanks to such a trial and error method, you will finally find the appropriate way of caring. I have been searching for the right hair care products for a long time and I finally know what helps my hair the best. Of course, don’t forget that everyone has different needs. But today I present you with universal methods that work well for everyone.

What can you do to always have healthy, strong and shiny hair? Today I present you FIVE proven methods that make my daily hair care much easier.


1# Gentle hair wash

Hair simply needs it. It is important to choose a shampoo that is gentle and as natural as possible. Only once a week should you use a stronger shampoo with silicones. You need to answer the following question: What does my hair need specifically? Proteins, emollients or perhaps moisturisers?

The shampooing technique should be as gentle as possible. The hair should not be tagged, pulled or broken. Massage your scalp with your fingertips, apply a small dose of shampoo and finally rinse the cosmetic product with lukewarm water. The lather that flows over the hair washes it along its entire length, so it is unnecessary to apply the product to the entire strands.

2# Scalp peeling once a week

Scalp exfoliation stimulates the hair roots to function more effectively, removes dead skin cells and facilitates the penetration of nutrients into the scalp. This allows you to get rid of dandruff, sebum, toxins and environmental pollutants. As a result, your hair will not fall out excessively but will become strong and healthy.

Thanks to the intensive scalp cleansing, all impurities that a gentle shampoo cannot handle are removed. The scalp scrub does not disturb the hydrolipidic balance of the skin and does not dry out your hair at all. The products designed for scalp cleansing are best because they contain special dandruff particles, but you can also use an acid-based enzyme scrub.

3# Natural cosmetics instead of chemicals

The right hair care is most important. Since I use a natural cosmetic for this purpose, my hair pays off with a beautiful shine. Botanicals have a spectacular effect on hair strands, believe me. Instead of resorting to drugstore products, it’s better to use natural cosmetics that are safe for people with sensitive skin.

I wholeheartedly recommend that you use natural plant oils in your hair care, such as argan oil, castor oil or almond oil, because they effectively regenerate the hair strands and restore the hair’s natural shine. They moisturise and condition like professionals. They are also able to replace many nourishing cosmetic products. They have protective properties and make hair styling easier. Vegetable oils help you save a lot of money because you can also use them as a face serum or to protect the ends of your hair.

4# Remember about heat protection

Natural oils also protect your hair from high temperatures, mechanical damage and free radicals. Without proper protection, your hair will quickly lose moisture, fade, become dry and feel uncomfortable. Always protect your strands from the sun, use professional heat protection products or vegetable oils and hide your hair under a hat on hot days.

5# Drink water and eat healthy

You surely know that diet has a significant impact on your appearance. The lifestyle we lead and the nutrients, vitamins and minerals we supply to your organism are of great importance.

You should drink at least 2 litres of water a day because insufficient hydration is the most common cause of dry, weak and dull hair.

It seems simple, doesn’t it? Follow these few basic rules and you will soon find that your hair will pay off with natural shine and fantastic strength. Good luck!

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